In the Press

Due to our influential and highly cited research, state-of-the-art testing capabilities, and a global network of leaders in biomechanical engineering and data analytics, we sometimes receive press coverage about the incredible things we do to help our customers succeed.

Camera facing subject of interview
BEAST Cleat Positioning

Products In Development

Biocore is dedicated to innovation and product development. We are currently working on several projects to bring to market in the near future. These products are designed to improve the safety and performance of athletes and associated markets.

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Robotraxion BEAST

The BEAST was created to measure realistic, game-like traction loads and motions, driving innovation in sports surfaces and sports footwear design. Currently in beta testing at the highest levels of play, the BEAST will be available for purchase in 2024.

Thunder logo


The THUNDER improved surface impact tester incorporates biomechanical and player-driven metrics into sports surface impact testing. The platform also enables auto data transfer, analysis, and insights to drive sports surfaces performance and safety improvements.

software developer working

Careers that matter

Improve the lives and safety of professional athletes, soldiers, warehouse workers. Come join a small but talented group of engineers, scientists, analysts, clinicians, and other professionals. We're growing our research lab with leaders who are looking to tackle challenging problems in injury prevention with modern tools such as machine learning and statistical analyses.

Our Publications

Biocore regularly publishes the results of our research in peer-reviewed independent journals.
Check out our library of documents.