Analytics, AI & Machine Learning

The Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning team leverages athlete-worn sensors, video-derived data, and injury databases to identify interventions that can mitigate risk for athletes in professional and amateur sports.


Data Engineering & Data Quality

Good data engineering and data governance provide a solid framework for informed decision-making, driving innovation, and achieving business goals. Data engineering involves cleaning, transforming, and standardizing data prior to analysis, ensuring more reliable insights and decision-making. Data governance establishes rules for data quality, reducing errors and inconsistencies in the data.

Today, organizations are often faced with an overwhelming amount of data. Unfortunately, this data is often siloed, making valuable information unavailable for effective business decision-making. Biocore transforms large, often previously unusable data systems into cloud-based data lakes and API streams, providing information where it is most needed.

Data Engineering and Data Quality

Digital Replication of On-Field Injuries

Biocore leverages digital technologies to simulate, model, and recreate injuries that occur during sports or other physical activities based on real-world scenarios and events. Digital replication is utilized to analyze the biomechanics and physics of on-field injuries. Our researchers use simulations to understand the impact forces, angles, and other factors that contribute to injuries, which can inform injury prevention strategies. Additionally, Biocore employs digital replications to test and evaluate equipment safety under different injury scenarios. This has helped us contribute to the development of safer sports gear for professional sports leagues.

Injury Risk Analysis

The ultimate goal of injury risk analysis is to inform coaches, athletes, and medical professionals about the factors that contribute to injury risk. This enables them to make informed decisions about training, technique, and injury prevention programs. By proactively identifying and addressing potential risks, the aim is to reduce the likelihood of injuries and promote the long-term health and performance of athletes.

Injury risk analysis typically involves a combination of data collection, monitoring, and analysis. Technologies, such as motion capture systems, wearable sensors, and biomechanical modeling software provide valuable data for assessing movement patterns and forces exerted on the body. This data is used to identify potential injury risk factors and develop targeted injury prevention strategies. Biocore has been providing injury risk analysis to a wide range of clients for over 15 years, contributing to reductions in injury rates across a number of industries.

Injury Risk Analysis

Machine Learning & Computer Vision

Biocore's cutting-edge technology uses machine learning and computer vision to provide data-driven insights that not only increase athlete safety in professional sports but also help optimize performance. Our approach combines historical injury data with training load data to create predictive machine learning algorithms for injury risk. By analyzing and interpreting this data, we can identify patterns and trends that allow coaches and trainers to pinpoint potential problem areas and address them proactively, before an injury occurs.

In addition to our predictive injury risk models, we offer load management solutions that help coaches and trainers adjust the intensity, duration, or frequency of load. This not only reduces the risk of injury but also helps athletes achieve peak performance. Our data-driven approach allows teams to tailor load management solutions to the specific needs of individual athletes, ensuring that they are able to train and work at their highest level while minimizing the risk of injury.

Training & Schedule Optimization

Biocore assists customers with training and schedule optimization. By using data-driven techniques and algorithms, we design and manage training programs and schedules to maximize performance gains while minimizing the risk of overtraining, fatigue, and injuries.

We understand that training and scheduling factors are often driven by external factors beyond the control of coaches and trainers, such as league schedules, legal agreements, or unions. Biocore can help your organization optimize schedules to minimize risks from both injury and compliance standpoints.

Injury Risk Analysis
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Our experts will be happy to help you take a giant leap forward, using your data to drive your business.

Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, EST
1627 Quail Run
Charlottesville, VA 22911
+1 (434) 328-8624